February 23, 2021

Alum Creek Church has set up a covid-19 memorial on part of our grounds, to help commemorate the lives that have been claimed by the global pandemic.
For nearly a year we have bombarded by numbers. Media channels even kept a death clock for several months where you could watch the number of deaths rise by the minute. The current worldwide death count stands at nearly 2.5 million. Over 9,000 died yesterday. The United States just surpassed 500,000 deaths. In one year. Just mind boggling.
Undertandably, we’ve become numb to those numbers. We can’t even wrap our heads around millions. To help provide some perspective to those numbers, our church has installed a temporary flag garden to memorialize all those who have died from this virus, and to help provide perspective for the rest of us. It’s numbing and humbling to see all these flags flying in our yard. 1,000 deaths for every flag. 1,000 people with names. Made in the image of God.
Red flags are for deaths in Ohio. Yellow for deaths in the United States. Blue for deaths in the rest of the world.
If you are in the neighborhood, stop by and take in the magnitude of this pandemic we have all gone through. These represent just the deaths, but consider the families of those who have died, those who have long lasting health effects, those who have lost jobs, closed businesses, and witnessed their dreams evaporate. We lament with them.