August 30, 2020

The Alum Creek Church strives to be a welcoming family.
Anyone who has dated or married a person has met their significant other’s family. Sometimes they have seen simple differences, like the way people in different states have different accents or different traditions. But there’s always something new to learn from meeting a new family.
What loving families have in common is that they are welcoming. They don’t turn people away just because they are “different from us.” They don’t kick people out just because of a minor disagreement. Loving families sometimes have to intervene, to make sure people aren’t hurting themselves or hurting other people. Everyone pitches in and works together, so that their home gets the upkeep it needs.
At the beginning of 2020, we wanted to focus on who we are as a church. We got together and brainstormed and discussed what our mission would be. And then, when covid-19 isolation began, it might have seemed like our mission was forgotten.
It wasn’t: Part of our mission is being a loving family of believers.
Join us as we learn what God has to say about being a loving church family.